plant care Cassie Holzkamper plant care Cassie Holzkamper

8 Ways to Cope with the End of Summer Blues

I know I am not the only one. Many people suffer from the lack of sunlight blues. According to the American Psychiatry Association 5 % of U.S. adults suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which is a form of depression from changing of the season or also known as winter depression. I am of this 5%. The shorter days and lack of sunlight triggers mine. That is why I know I would never make it living in areas that get less sunlight. 

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plant care Cassie Holzkamper plant care Cassie Holzkamper

You Have to Talk to Your Plants

Talking to your plants is a rule as a plant parent. It is not all magic and myth, there is scientific evidence that proves talking to your plants helps them to grow. So, get chatty with your plants!

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