7 Fall Vegetables to Plant in August

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 Are you getting worn out with the summer heat and ready for a cool down?  

Me too! But I still feel like there is more gardening to do. I am never ready to give up on the summertime and welcome winter, that is why I am planting my fall vegetable garden this August. 

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I am not a huge fan of the brutal cold winters in northern Missouri. But they are better than other places, I guess. If I had my choice I would live in the south! 

This year I am ready for a cool down and the end of August through October is the best weather for us here in the Midwest. So, gardening season kicks into high gear for me in the late summer and early fall.  

To me it is the best time to grow your crops here. If you are not ready to give up on your garden and want to still get a good harvest here are 7 fall vegetables that you can plant in August and September and will still thrive in the cooler fall temperatures.  

  • Strawberries 

  • Greens- Mustard greens, Collard greens, Arugula, Lettuce, Spinach, Kale 

  • Root Vegetables- carrots, potatoes, onions, radishes 

  • Peas 

  • Broccoli 

  • Beans- bush and black 

  • Herbs- parsley, cilantro, basil, dill 

 And of course, your pumpkins and gourds! 


I missed the boat with my spring strawberries. I am hoping to have a fall harvest of strawberries this year. I cannot wait to freeze them and make some jam!  

I will be growing my strawberries in hanging baskets. Growing fresh strawberries to enjoy in smoothies, on salads, and just popping them in my mouth is a goal for my fall garden. 


Salad Greens 

All those good salad greens have time to produce another harvest this fall. Get them growing now and you can enjoy a good amount of fresh salad greens this season. 

Lettuce is on my list of fall garden vegetables to grow. I have one already started and am planting seedlings for more this evening.  

Spinach and Kale too! 

Root Vegetables  

Potatoes are growing in cardboard boxes, yep that is right I read about doing this and have watched YouTube videos about it and I am ready to grow my potatoes in boxes. 

Carrots and Onions are getting the cardboard box growing environment too! I honestly believe it is going to be great. I cannot wait to make my favorite roasted root vegetables. 

Peas for Canning 

Let us can some more before the season is over. Peas please! I do love peas we eat them 1 to 2 times a week so growing and freezing and canning some will be worth the work.  


I still have 3 growing from early summer. I am not sure what will happen when I repot them, but I am going to do it. I am also going to grow a few more. Hopefully, I will get a little haul of broccoli to freeze.  


Bush and Black beans are good fall vegetables to grow. I am hoping to can some bush beans we love to eat 2-3 times a week. Also, black beans are stored easily in a dry bucket with a lid. Having beans on hand this winter will be amazing. 

Grow Herbs in Pots 

Plant your herbs in containers or terra cotta pots so that you can move them inside to overwinter.  

Parsley, Basil, Cilantro, and Dill to name a few I want to grow. Getting my herb garden growing is overdue. I am hoping to get them growing well and to keep them growing inside over the winter. So, I am starting them all in pots so that I can easily move them inside at the end of the fall gardening season. 

Pumpkins and Gourds 

Whether you eat your pumpkin, collect their seeds, or just enjoy the fall decor they provide growing pumpkins is so much fun for your fall garden.  

I have big plans for my pumpkins. My dogs love pumpkins. Therefore, being able to grow my own is going to be a win win. Fun to grow for fall and great for my dogs’ treats.  

And of course there are many more! These are the ones I am planting for fall, and I am going to try cucumbers and watermelons too. We will see how they do!  

Plan Your Fall Garden with these 5 tips: 


Fall Flowers 

Mums, marigolds, coneflowers, nasturtiums, calendula, dahlias, and zinnias. Planting fall flowers will give your season so much decor and color to display.  

Having these flowers growing in your fall garden will also help to deter pests and bring the pollinators.  Read about 9 plants that prevent pests here.

The bottom line is to have fun with it and do not give up too soon on your gardening plans. 

There are always more ways to grow your garden. Check out my post 5 tips for Indoor Gardening here to extend your garden season year-round.  

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    Cassie Holzkamper

    Blog about plant care and dog parenting and how therapeutic and rewarding it can be.


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