5 Trendy Plants You Will Love

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Do you know which plants are considered trendy, rare, and highly sought after?  I recently made a purchase specifically to up my money currency. On the way from Etsy house plant sellers are 5 trendy plants that have been on my wish list for a year. 

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My mantra recently has been all about money and how to get rich. I have been using Audible and listening to two books Rich As F*ck by Amanda Frances and You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero. I highly recommend them both.  


The two diverse perspectives on the same overall main topic I thought would be a waste of time and money to buy and listen to both, but this is not the case at all. Both books are different enough and the 2 author’s perspectives make it so worth it. I have gotten so much from both.  


This got me, somehow in my weird brain flow, thinking about how plants can be highly sought after, rare, and trendy. When I made my wish list plant purchase, I knew adding some variegated houseplants was necessary. 


I am a traditional houseplant collector, I do not have a lot of variegated or trendy, rare plants. I also enjoy finding an alternative to the trendy ones, this makes me feel more unique, I guess, and saves me money. 


But back to the books I have been listening to about money mantra. I am supposed to up my money currency by making a purchase that is out of the ordinary for me.  


A purchase that makes me get all the Planty Vibes! You know what I am talking about, that overly excited feeling and wonderful anticipation when you know new plants are on the way! It's such a rush! 


I am not allowed to feel buyer's remorse about getting these plants either. So here I am keeping my positive money mantra going strong by pushing out all the negative thoughts over and over.  


All I can think about is trendy plants. Ones I want, ones I love, all of them on my wish list. But are trendy and rare plants in the eye of the beholder?  


If you were to read two books about trendy houseplants written by my good friend who is also a houseplant lover and collector and myself, would we choose the same plants to consider trendy and rare? Or does everyone have a unique perspective about trendy plants and all the houseplants they love to collect? 


What plants are on your list of plants you consider trendy and rare? Are they the same as mine? 


Read on to see if my choices are the same.  

Here are 5 Trendy Plants I think you will love, even if you do not consider them to be trendy: 

 Alocasia Silver Dragon 

Why do I consider this plant trendy? 

Two reasons: 

  1. It is an Alocasia. This genius of plants is so popular right now. There are so many varieties of Alocasias and many of the You Tube plant collectors I watch are in love with this genius.  

  2. It is silver. I feel like silver plants and variegated plants are a big trend in the house plant community.  

Why do I love this plant? 

I love silver plants for sure. They are so beautiful, and I absolutely love the texture of the Alocasia dragon. Also, I find that Alocasias are easy to care for.  

Pro Tips: Alocasia grow very well in semi-hydro mixes. Pot your Alocasias in Pon.

Anthurium Clarinervium 

Why do I consider this plant trendy? 

Anthuriums, the whole genius is extremely popular and trendy as a whole. I feel like Anthuriums are trendy because they grow big leaves giving the urban jungle vibes and because they are easy to breed.  

Why do I love this plant? 

Anthuriums have amazing foliage. Their big jungle-like leaves and so many varieties make me want them all! I am in love with this genius of plants.  

Also, I want to begin my plant breeding journey. Seeing that Anthuriums are easy for breeding from my favorite Planty You Tubers I want to give it a go too.

Pro Tips: Anthuriums need a good foliage fertilizer to keep them thriving! Add this fertilizer to your plant care regimen.


Hoya Krimson Queen 

Why do I consider this plant trendy? 

This whole genius is so trendy. There are so many varieties of Hoyas, it is unreal! I feel like Hoyas are trendy because they have beautiful foliage, and they have the cutest, most unique blooms.  

I feel like the Krimson Queen is the OG or classic Hoya. I think every Hoya lover has this variety in their collection.  

Why do I love this plant? 

It is my only Hoya for one, and I do really love it. Hoya’s blooms are so unique and gorgeous. My Krimson Queen is slow growing, but it is steady, and I like that. It is very much something to look forward to when it grows, and because new leaves start tiny and expand, I love watching it grow.  

Pro Tips: Hoyas enjoy climbing on a trellis. Get one for your Hoyas!


Monstera Albo 

Why do I consider this plant trendy? 

Variegated plants are all the rave. I feel like every single plant has a variegated version now.  

Why do I love this plant? 

In 2019 I fell in love with the Monstera deliciosa. I wanted one so badly and had to wait a bit to get one from my local nursery. Finally, I got my Monstera and then went through a time that I was not keeping up on my plants and my monstera almost died.

I was able to save him and brought him back from a wet stick, then I struggled with root rot several times while propagating, then finally he was ready to pot up and he has thrived!  

I think I will always have a big place in my heart for this plant, because it was my biggest victory. I feel like it was the plant that raised my confidence as a plant parent.  

Pro Tips: Variegated plants can use a silica boost; it helps keep the white areas on the leaves from browning. Get some silica to use on all your variegated plants.

Philodendron Verrucosum 

Why do I consider this plant trendy? 

It’s leaves! I love these plants leaves; the texture is so unique compared to other philodendrons and its red backs so cool!

Why do I love this plant? 

This plant is a challenging grow. I love a good challenge! It makes every new leaf that emerges that much more exciting.

Placing the Verrucosum on a moss pole will help it to size up the leaves. I cannot wait to see mine with huge leaves with their red backs. Oh, if you do not own this plant, I suggest you get yourself one.  

Pro Tips: Verrucosum love to climb! Get yours on a moss pole and watch it size up!


In conclusion, everyone’s perspective is different. That is why reading books with the same main idea from different authors is worth it, everyone has their own unique spin they put on a topic. Just like everyone has their own perspective of which plants they find trendy.  


I would love to hear what plants you consider trendy.  Leave your list of trendy plants in the comments.

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    Cassie Holzkamper

    Blog about plant care and dog parenting and how therapeutic and rewarding it can be.


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